By the end of January 1986, a combination of different weather events caused one of the most recalled snow storms of the second half of the XX century. Malla, a tiny farming village located in the mountains of Cataluña, dug out of 70 cm of snow. Such a heavy storm left isolated and without power supply the inhabitants of the village, who spent seven days and six nights locked inside their dark houses. Nine months later, in one of those houses, I was born. If you're not interested in this biography, you can submit a complaint Here. If you want to talk about my future and not about my past, write me and suggest me new things to do here ->



2023: Premi Junceda /Porta Oberta/Animació. With: Alba Prado

2023- Laus (Bronze)/Porta oberta/ With: Alba Prado

2020 -Laus Awards (GRAND LAUS) /Advertisement/ Benvinguda Màgia  With: Pol Solsona, Irene Solà

2020- Laus Awards (Gold)Outdoor advertisement /Benvinguda màgia With: Pol Solsona, Irene Solà

2020: Laus Awards (Bronze)/Coordinated elements /Poster /Benvinguda màgia With: Pol Solsona, Irene Solà

2019- Laus (Bronze) / Animation/ The incredible plan of Mr.Pike 

2018- Laus (Silver)/ Outdoor advertising / Sant Jordi 2017 With: Andrés Requena

2017- Premi Junceda/ Children Book /La gota moja a la gata maja

2017- Premio Nacional al libro mejor editado / Cuentos de la Navidad Dorada Ed.Fulgencio Pimentel

2016-  Laus (Silver)/Audiovisuals/ True Hot Stories

2015- Premio Nacional al libro mejor editado / 101 experiencias de filosofía cotidiana Ed.Blackie Books

2012- Creación Injuve / National Prize (Illustration)